CONDENSED – Case Study: Haiti (Management of a Tectonic Event)

Risk Assessment

  • Seismically active area + history of destructive earthquakes
  • No formal risk assessment (authorities)
  •  “Haitian emergency services would not be able to cope” (AUS gov’t)


  • “Fault line – end of seismic cycle + worst-case 7.2” (overseas seismologists, 2007)
  • “High risk of major seismic activity” (other seismologists)


  • No action + emergency plans (authorities)
  • Poor country – non-earthquake resistant shanty-type houses + transport + telecommunications infrastructure
  • People not educated

Short Term

  • Lack of information –> major confusion
  • Lack of disaster response (authorities) -> blocked roads + traffic -> international rescue efforts restricted
  • 2000 international rescuers after 1 week
  • Badly damaged infrastructure
    • 50+ hospitals + land/sea transport facilities + telecommunication
    • -> Immediate relief & rescue efforts failed
  • Minimal gov’t management of r & r
    • 25% civil servants dead
  • Roads blocked long time -> no access by disaster relief (food/water/tents/clothing)
  • 1/3 HHs lost all food supply
  • Lack of ramps -> planes with relief supplies could not unload
  • Lack of fuel -> planes could not leave
  • No temporary housing -> streets + self-built shanty towns
  • 1.5M homeless -> relief camps
  • Poor sanitation -> cholera outbreak
  • Slow corpse removal -> disease
  • No security -> stealing
  • Lack of help -> 600,OOO left area (back to rural)

 Long term

  • Slow response (authorities + foreign NGOs)
  • 6 MONTHS
    • Humanitarian situation:  still “emergency phase”
    • 98% rubble remained -> Port-au-Prince impassable
    • 1M still in relief camps
      • Crime
      • Building of new gov’t centre: not begun
  • 1 YEAR
    • No major rebuilding
    • “Only 15% basic/temporary housing built” (Oxfam)
    • 95% rubble remained -> no land for rebuilding
  • 2 YEARS
    • 500,000 homeless
    • “Only 50% money pledged for reconstruction ($4.5bn) received” (UN)
  • 1/5 jobs lost, not replaced -> ñunemployment
  • Occasional cholera outbreaks
  • Some schools/hospitals not rebuilt

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