CASE STUDY: The Trade in Tea


  • Like other raw materials, only small % final P goes to producers
    • majority of $ generated by tea industry goes to the post-raw-material states
      • benefits MEDCs, not LEDCs (producing nations)
  • Dutch Tea Institute report (2006) found:
    • ↓ P (bc ↑ compeition in tea market)…↑ costs of production…pressure to ↓ wages…need to ↑ social, economic, ecological and labor conditions throughout tea sector in LEDCs
  • Global tea market dominated by small no. of companies…v. large market power
  • Annual export sales of tea (raw material): $3 billion
    • Much LOWER than retail value of global tea business
  • Global trading system prevents tea producers from moving up value chain by processing and packaging the tea they grow
    • bc would have to compete w/ v. powerful brands
      • difficult to achieve EOS of global tea companies

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